To the Father:
Like wind that rushes through the trees,
like music in the ear,
the promise of your light and love
grows stronger with each year.
Strength that grows and knowledge sown,
the seed of life is set.
A promise made in eternity
that once complete is thirty-three,
light would wash the feet.
For oft I’ve trod, unknowingly, and left the
promised path, you called me back
with each misstep and used your light
to teach with love and not with wrath.
Long I’ve tried and many times,
to reach this goal in sight,
and now in joy, in love, in hope,
I’ve reached my Father’s Light.
For thirty-three is now complete
and to the stars I go,
to tend the seeds our love has sown
and forever watch them grow.
To the son:
Harvest now is come at last,
through hands made strong
through work and wear.
Now heart most bright and love most true
have removed every tare.
Through thirty years of sleep most deep
and three of turning fire,
heart is made pure and spirit new,
receive ye son, this tree of your desire.
Use it well, tend to its care,
bring forth the fruit to feed your world.
You kept your promise, now I as well,
be free dear child, for now at last,
I release you from the snare.
My sons first-born, born second too,
through all the ages are light
most true.
Stars that shine in dark of night
are seeds I’ve sown
in you.
The artwork presented - Raising-rainbow by Claudiu Presecan