can You find Me? - by Tomas Martin, OPD

The only game of hide and seek that matters
is the one played by you and me.
Can you find me? Can me find you?
Can me and you, I? Only if you find.

This game has rules. You must play always and
in all ways. You can never play out loud,
but only in the quiet of knowing and never telling.

When you find me, you have to tell me without saying a word,
but by saying the word.
What word? The only one you know.
The one that makes sense only to me.
What word? Your word, my word, our word.
One word and many…all words and none.

Can you find me? Do you want to?
If you do, what’s next?
Is that when the game ends or is it
when it all begins?

Have you found all the hiding places? Me?
I’m looking too and search time for you.
I love playing with you.
I live to love finding you. Hello, my love.

The artwork presented - Hide and Seek by Jan Francios Verhas

It's my wish for you too...