The Lazy River - by Tomas Martin, OPD

On ships of rubber filled with air,
riders float away.
Their troubles far from heart and mind...
Their dreams before them and not a care.

Through crowd and heat they wade and wait,
for their chance to be carried round.
They loose themselves in restful waves,
forgetting sight and sound.

When at the end they've flowed and reached,
to attendants standing, they hand their boats
and wrap themselves with towels as coats.

Now walk they again in Summer's Sun,
their rubber boats passed to another one.
Walking again afreshed and renewed,
they search the ground for the next adventure
to be pursued.

And when from walk and heat, again they tire,
the Muses's call their hearts will hear
and to the lazy River again aspire,
to rest again, carried away,
where trouble and time give up their sway.

A humble gift to the Muse, Calliope

It's my wish for you too...