On being real - by Tomas Martin, OPD

Real is what is, if it wants to be…right?
What is real? How is real defined?

For something to be real must it be material?
Is love real? It is not material.
Can something be more real than something else?

Is a thought real? If it is, when did it become real?
If it can become real, how was it ‘not real’ before it became so?

Is something real if it knows it’s real?
Does a duck know it’s real? Is it?

Perhaps being real is being able to question whether
or not realness matters.
Perhaps when realness doesn’t matter, that is when
something becomes real.

Are you real? Are you sure? If you are not real,
yet you are reading this, does realness matter?

Artwork presented -Persistence of Time by Dali

It's my wish for you too...